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Co-Founder & CTO
(2020 - 2024)

Founded construction startup and bootstrapped it to $1M revenue, generated by the largest projects in NYC.


When we founded Odin in March of 2020, our goal was to develop software that replaced manual, paper-based processes for tracking training and certifications, enhancing overall safety and reducing insurance costs of construction projects. Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, economic downturn, and a construction slowdown, we successfully bootstrapped the company, generating over $1 million in revenue in our first year. This growth was led by the usage of Odin at Hudson Yards, the largest privately-funded construction project in the world. We successfully raised a $3 million seed round led by First Round Capital, enabling us to expand our team and customer base.

Odin's Metrics After 4 Years:

  • 12% Q/Q revenue growth
  • 20,000+ Workers onboarded
  • 700+ Contractors managed
  • 6,000,000+ Labor hours tracked

See Odin in Action

CTO at a High-Growth Startup

Over the course of four years, my role as Co-Founder & CTO was constantly evolving. In the early days, I led a team of four engineers to build a software platform in six months. This platform could onboard workers, track certifications, integrate with turnstile and badge printing systems, and provide custom workforce reports. We launched the product at Hudson Yards, managing over 2,000 workers per day. Gathering user feedback and iterating on the product quickly for customers who were not accustomed to using technology was critical for adoption.

As the team and our customer base grew, we secured seed investment from First Round Capital and doubled the team size within nine months. I led the technical strategy for the entire company, managing a team of engineers, and leading the design of the platform. During this period, I advanced several engineers from mid-level to senior and leadership roles by giving them the opportunities to lead projects and teams, while regularly checking in with them and providing guidance through the process. Additionally, I spearheaded our effort to achieve SOCĀ 2 compliance, attracting larger customers with stringent cybersecurity requirements. In the last 12 months of my tenure, Odin achieved a 12% quarter-over-quarter growth in revenue.


A Highly-Sophisticated Easy-to-Use Platform

The Odin platform required integration with external vendors and physical hardware, such as turnstiles and cameras, while delivering a user-friendly experience on both web and mobile apps. This ensured that only qualified workers were allowed on site, significantly enhancing overall project safety. Our tech stack consisted of multiple seamlessly integrated services, providing a robust platform that was easy to develop, test, and deploy with GitHub Actions to our Kubernetes clusters in Google Cloud:

  • Web App

    A React application written in TypeScript, leveraging Tailwind and Apollo Client, served by Express.js. It was primarily used by site safety teams and supervisors.
  • Platform API

    An Apollo/Express.js GraphQL Server written in TypeScript, connecting to a Postgres database with Sequelize.
  • Physical Access Control

    Microservices, cloud-hosted VMs, and on-site managed VPNs integrated with access control vendors, designed for on-prem installations, and connected to physical hardware like turnstiles and cameras.
  • Mobile App

    A React Native app written in TypeScript for iPhone and Android, allowing workers to onboard themselves and clock in and out each day without the need for expensive equipment.
  • Authentication

    A self-hosted instance of FusionAuth on top of Postgres, providing full control over account and authentication customizations while ensuring high security.
  • Reporting

    A web app and API integrated directly with Looker Enterprise, enabling customers to use standard compliance reports or custom-built insights.